Our Watch

Our Watch is a national leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia. They work to embed gender equality and prevent violence where Australians live, learn, work and socialise. 

They are an independent not-for-profit organization established in 2013 by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments. Since that time, all State and Territories Governments have joined as members.
Our Watch is committed to building and extending their understanding of what drives violence against women and what works best to prevent it, and they embed this knowledge into their tools, resources, training, policy and campaigns. 
They produce free research-based tools and resources to help others embed gender equality and prevent violence in sectors including education, workplaces, sporting clubs and the media. 
Help drive nationwide change in the culture, behavior's and power imbalances that lead to violence against women and their children by visiting their website and making a donation of your choice. 
© Our Watch, 2023.